Color of the Year 2013: Emerald Green

Emerald green has been named the “color of the year” for 2013 by Pantone LLC. Pantone describes itself as “the world-renowned authority on color and provider of color systems and leading technology for the selection and accurate communication of color across a variety of industries”.

If you follow current decorating trends you may feel compelled to integrate emerald green into your décor, or you may just find this an interesting piece of news. In any case, remember: the “right” color(s) for your home depend on what appeals to you. It doesn’t matter if a color is “in” if it’s not one you enjoy living with.

But green deserves a closer look. Consider that every flower—no matter what its color—has a green stem: green matches everything! And there are several shades of green to choose from, each invoking a different mood:

Emerald, the color of the year, promotes an elegant, luxurious feel, and offers a great “pop” of color to enhance a room. It’s a good choice for an accent wall.

Lime green is another shade currently in fashion that also provides a “pop” of color, and goes well with any shade of blue, bright orange and red, and black. As with emerald, use lime green sparingly to brighten your décor; too much can easily become overwhelming.

Forest green gives a natural, earthy feeling that looks great with rustic/cabin décor and can be combined with virtually any color palette. Try forest green with gold, burgundy, browns and beiges.

Avocado and Olive green are both muted shades of green, with olive being a bit darker. These greens do not “pop” like emerald and lime but can provide a more relaxing tone for an accent wall and are good choices for sofas and chairs.

Sage green is a great choice to paint an entire room. It creates a warm peaceful backdrop for any type of décor and most color palettes.

These are just a sampling of the shades and tones of green; there are many more. If you’re thinking of updating your décor, consider incorporating one of the many shades of green home furnishings. To shop for furniture and accent pieces check us out here.

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