Looking for that Perfect Piece of Furniture? Filter & Refine…

Start by selection "Beds" underneath the "Bedroom" in the top navigation.

We’ve designed our website with our customers in mind.  We understand that it can often be difficult to locate the exact item you need in an online catalog with thousands of products.   Sure, you can always use the search function, but that’s only really helpful if you know the exact product name of the items you want.

Let’s say you’re trying to find a new bed for your bedroom, one with storage underneath, in a King size with a dark finish.  Search really won’t work will it?  That’s why we’d like to encourage you to “filter” your selection and drill down to the items you’d actually like to see.

Using this new bed as an example, in the top navigation on our website, select “Bedroom” (you’re looking for a bed, right?) and select the “Beds” link underneath it.

Now we’re getting somewhere!  This still brings up too many results for us.  We don’t want to see all the beds, so let’s get a little more restrictive.  Since now we only want to see the beds that have storage underneath them, let look under the “REFINE BY:” navigation shown on the left to see if we can further exclude the total beds that are shown.

Refine your selection further using the "REFINE BY:" selections in the left navigation.

Guess what?  Spot the the “Storage” Type link under the “REFINE BY:” left-hand navigation?  To show only Storage Beds, simply click on it and you’ll see that now we have a much more manageable list.

Great!  Now, we got a rough selection of storage beds, we can further refine / restrict the total number of beds shown so that we only see the exact items we’re interested in.  Go crazy here.  You can get extremely restrictive. For instance, using the example of storage beds we can drill all the down to only show the following types of beds:

You can see how readily this can be applied to other type of furnishings as well.  For example, just looking at our bar stools category, you can see there’s pages and pages of results.  Again, use the “REFINE BY:” navigation to show only the bar stools that match your criteria.

Happy Shopping!

Company Blog is Now Live!

We’ve now created a company blog to allow our customers to stay up-to-date on company goings on.

In addition to company news and press releases, we’ll be using this blog to discuss decorating tips and ideas, as well as interior design best practices.  In the future, we hope to have simple “how to” tutorials on making your home a showpiece.
